Conserve more with the Nutri-Guard Technology Platform. Powered by a unique, patent-pending active ingredient and multiple modes of action, the Nutri-Guard Technology Platform of products are designed to work with natural soil processes to enhance nutrient use efficiency, improve crop performance by keeping nutrients in the root zone longer, and minimize the environmental impact with reduced movement of nutrients into groundwater. Used in conjunction with applied fertilizer, Nutri-Guard products can increase grain quality and yield potential, and increase long-term soil health and performance.
nutri-guard® technology platform™

A Revolution in Nutrient Retention
Key Benefits
Nutrient Loss
Nutrient Loss
Environmental Impact
Environmental Impact
Crop Performance
Crop Performance
Active Ingredient
Active Ingredient
Increases Nutrient
Use Efficiency
Use Efficiency
Featured Product

Proximus® backed by the
Nutri-Guard Technology Platform
The first product within the Nutri-Guard platform of products is Proximus, a nitrogen management tool designed to work with nature, not against it. It has been shown to improve nitrogen use efficiency by as much as 23% and reduce leaching up to 69%.
Browse our entire portfolio of
technology-driven solutions.
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technology-driven solutions.
©2017 Actagro. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be available for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your local Actagro representative to ensure availability. Actagro®, Nutri-Guard® Technology Platform™, Proximus®, and the Actagro logo are trademarks of Actagro, LLC.