Katalyst (0-0-25) is a highly available form of liquid potassium, and with it farmers have seen better agronomic and tissue responses in their crops. Using a unique Reacted Carbon™ Technology, Katalyst has been proven to outperform other potassium products with significantly better leaf penetration and root uptake. Improved potassium uptake means healthier crops and a higher yield potential.

K Supercharged
More Available and More Effective Potassium
Superior Membrane Permeability
Using an in vitro system, our scientists have compared Katalyst with other leading potassium fertilizers and found significantly better leaf penetration and root uptake.
Learn More about the Study HERE
Improved Water Use Efficiency
Complexed to stimulate early growth, Katalyst fuels the plant’s carbohydrate translocation process and improves the efficiency of water use for healthy and more productive crops.